Monday, August 31, 2009
Preparing for flu season
At this time, the H1N1 virus appears to be no more serious -- and no less severe -- than the seasonal flu. State health officials are recommending that we treat H1N1 much as we treat seasonal flu. Students at high-risk (eg., those with chronic illnesses such as asthma) should consult a physician for specific guidance.
Common-sense hygiene practices can go a long way to prevent the spread of flu illnesses. To that end, we ask parents to:
* keep children who exhibit flu-like symptoms (fever 100 degrees or more w/cough or sore throat) home for at least 24 hours after they are free of fever without the use of fever-reducing medication.
* teach children to cover their noses and mouth with tissue when coughing or sneezing, or cough/sneeze in their sleeve.
* teach children to wash their hands frequently with soap and water, or to use hand sanitizer if soap/water is not available.
* look for opportunities to have children vaccinated.
Finally, the district does not plan to notify families every time a student or staff member is sick with H1N1. Since that is not our practice with seasonal flu, it will not be our practice with H1N1.
Based on the timing and severity of a potential flu outbreak, these guidelines could change. If things do change, we will do our best to notify the school community as quickly as possible.
Pigskin Classic ~ exciting experience!
supervise the high school football game and wanted to find my assigned area before the game. During this process, I got an explanation on the blanket reserved bleachers from Bob Logan. Great fundraiser idea!
Beautiful picture!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
High School Volleyball action!
Safety takes teamwork!
Thanks, also, to the officers from the Sheriff's Department. They patroled both before and after school. The speed cart was displayed so motorists could check their driving speeds as they entered the school zone area.
THANK-YOU, parents! Your continued attention to driving, speed zones, and children will keep our school family safe.
School is in session, so please help protect our kids by following these tips behind the wheel.
** All drivers should use caution around the Elementary School. Motorists need to come to a complete stop and wait when children are present at the crosswalk. Motorists are required to stop only when pedestrians are present.
** Expect the unexpected, especially when driving in or around a school zone, playground, or park.
** Obey the law when meeting or passing a school bus. Always use caution around buses loading and unloading children.
** Please reduce speed around the school zone area. Be observant and watch closely for students walking to or from school.
** Drop-off and pick-up traffic ~ pull over to the side of the road. Students should not leave or run out in the middle of this traffic. Vehicles should not be left unattended when picking up students. Children sometimes dart unexpectedly into traffic ~ often between parked cars.