Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Peter Pan

1st and 2nd grade students were treated to an afternoon at the theatre today! Brandon Valley High School is presenting the play Peter Pan this week. Wednesday afternoon was the first public performance ~ matinee ~ for elementary students from the District. Congratulations to Jenna S., Trey R., Mason B., Johnny H., Lexi H., Kaylee M., Kaija M., and Tanya T.! These Fred Assam Elementary students auditioned and were selected to participate in the play. They have participated in many long hours of rehearsal and performance. "KUDOS" to the cast and crew of Peter Pan for their amazing performance today! Once again, Brandon Valley students have blown me away with their commitment to excellence! The Performing Arts Center is a fabulous facility and definitely adds to the excitement for elementary students (and adults) of going to the theatre. If you haven't purchased your tickets to see Peter Pan ~ call now! You won't be disappointed!

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