Thursday, May 27, 2010

5th grade Awards Assembly

Classroom Awards:
Classroom most AR points: Emmett and Lexis
Lifetime AR award: Lexis
Perfect Attendance: Kaylee, Keaton, and Mason
Career Attendance: Sarah

Presidential Gold Award: 30 of 47 students had a 3.5 grade point average and were advanced on the D-STEP test last year.
Presidential Silver: Joseph, Mitch, and Hope ~ extremely hard workers in the academics.
Band and Orchestra presented their respective awards.
Student Council Awards: Carter, Kaylee, Sarah, Mason, Keaton, and Hope.
Slide show: presented by Ms. Foster
Students presented Mr. Woodle with bananas so he could practice for the banana relay the following day.

Math Facts

Logan and Courtney successfully completed the entire Math Facts in a Flash program! Congratulations to both of you and enjoy your treat at the DQ!

kindergarten graduation

Kindergarten graduation was held on Friday, May 21. This is the graduating class of 2022!
The children performed the songs: Welcome to Our Celebration, What a Wonderful Day, Look Out First Grade and First Grade, First Grade. They also recited the Alphabet Poems. Diplomas were presented to each graduate and Mrs. Feenstra showed the kindergarten video she made of events throughout the year. Of course, an extra special final event was the Tooty Ta when someone from each family had to come down onto the floor and participate! Fun was had by everyone!! Congratulations class of 2022!!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Reflections Art Contest - National Winner Announced

Congratulations to Caleb! He is a National Award of Merit winner in the National PTA Reflections art contest. Our school is listed with his last name and title of work on the National PTA website, if you follow the link (you have to scroll down quite a ways to the Merit winners and then to the photography category). This is great news not only for Caleb but for Fred Assam Elementary as well! Caleb's photography will be posted on the National PTA website some time later this summer and throughout next year.

Only 2 South Dakota students placed in the top categories. In addition to Caleb, an Award of Excellence in Visual Arts was awarded to a student at Pinedale Elementary in Rapid City, SD.

As an Award of Merit recipient, Caleb receives a silver-plated Reflections medallion, a certificate and letter signed by the National PTA president, and recognition in the annual PTA Reflections online gallery.

Once again, Congratulations, Caleb! Your Fred Assam Elementary School family is very proud of you!! Keep up the awesome work!


They continue to work on their math facts! Congratulations to Danica, Anab, Sterling, and Javier!

Beach Party Surprise!

It was a beach party of surprises at school on Tuesday. My birthday started off with a wealth of warm wishes from staff & students. Little did I know . . . they had been planning and preparing while I was out of the building the week before. Even though it was damp and chilly outside ~ the climate inside was filled with giggles galore! I received numerous birthday greetings and cards throughout the day but nothing surprised me more than the gathering on students and staff in the Commons Area late in the afternoon. On a fetching story to judge skeletons in 5th grade - Alex, Dylan, and Kaylee pulled me from my office and kept me busy looking at their projects in the classroom. It wasn't long before EA Mrs. Kirsch needed my assistance immediately. We made our way down the hallway and she explained ~ in great detail ~ how I was needed to help with a student issue. My surprise was waiting as I opened the door and everyone began to sing "Happy Birthday" and passed around cupcakes. There was even a large cupcake just for me! They did it! They got me! WOW! I am so blessed to be able to come to a job that I love and work with such terrific students & staff. THANK-YOU SO MUCH!!

Muffins for Moms

It was a special morning at Fred Assam Elementary School on May 6! The PTA sponsored Muffins for Moms with rolls, juice, and coffee being served before school for moms & students. Jeff Bowar coordinated the event and his crew included Bill Erck, Casey Sonju, and Jared Kocer. "Thanks, Dads" for the awesome service!

PTA honors two members

Becky Blue and Shari Sunne were honored with Life Achievement Awards from PTA. Shawn Zahn ~ past president of Fred Assam Elementary School presented the awards.