Monday, November 23, 2009

I think that I got a good sampling of pilgrim ladies, pilgrim dudes, Indian chiefs, and Indian princesses! Kindergarten and first grade students got together today to make their Thanksgiving bracelets and to share a treat with each other. Many volunteer moms, dads, grandmas & grandpas came to help with the activities. If you see a Thanksgiving bracelet, be sure to ask what each color stands for! They can tell you!! Happy Thanksgiving!

Meet Max

Max is a 4th grade student who has finished his Math Facts in a Flash program! Congratulations, Max! We really have lots of star math students at Fred Assam Elementary. Keep up the awesome work!

Future Fred Assam Elementary student

This is my friend, Kennedy! She visits school often with her mom, Jill. Kennedy always wears a beautiful smile and stops to visit me in my office. I like to spoil her with a treat from my candy dish each time she visits. Sometimes she brings one of her older brothers - Chance - with her. Today Kennedy helped with the feast for the pilgrims & Indians. Looks like she got to sample that treat also! Come again, Kennedy!!

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!
I am so blessed and have many things to be thankful this season.
THANK YOU ~ just two simple words that have the power to transform our health, happiness, athletic performance, and success.
According to Jon Gordon ~ gratitude and appreciation are also essential for a healthy work environment. In fact, the number one reason why people leave their jobs is because they don't feel appreciated. A simple thank-you and a show of appreciation can make all the difference. Gratitude is like a muscle. The more we do it the stronger it gets. In this spirit here are 4 ways to practice Thanksgiving every day of the year.
1. Take a Daily Thank You Walk ~ take a 10-minute walk each day and say out loud what you are thankful for. This will set you up for a positive day.
2. Meal Time Thank You's ~ go around the table and have each person say what they are thankful for.
3. Gratitude Visit ~ write a letter of gratitude to someone. Then visit this person and read them the letter. His research shows that people who do this are measurably happier and less depressed a month later.
4. Say Thank You at Work ~ energize & engage your co-workers and team by letting them know you are grateful for them and their work.
I am thankful that I have two families ~ my own family & my school family!
I am thankful that I have a beautiful new home and enjoy spending time there!
I am thankful that I have a wonderful group of people to work with each day that I come to school because our business is the creation of learning environments that result in success!
I am thankful for the students who attend Fred Assam Elementary School!
And I am thankful for the parents who support their children and the staff at this school!
Happy Thanksgiving!!

PE "shoot the turkey"

Mrs. Gordon invited me in to watch the PE activity called "shoot the turkey". Practicing their overhand throwing skills, students tried to knock the turkey (cone) off the scooter. Sounds easy? No way - the turkeys were moving targets on those scooter boards. Jackson & Kiyara take aim at a turkey. Gobble - gobble!

Reflection Art program

Representing the K - 2 Visual Arts category are Nicholas & Jennica. Their art work will continue on to the State Competition. Congratulations!!

Students from the Auditory/Oral program took a field trip to HyVee Grocery store for their Thanksgiving dinner plans. They have been studying all of the Thanksgiving vocabulary this month and decided they needed a "hands on" experience of food shopping. Many thanks to their teachers ~ Ms. O'Neill, Mrs. Hayes, and Ms. Brown ~ for arranging the trip. Obviously, Destiny isn't quite sold on the veggie department!
Happy Thanksgiving!!

JUMP rope for Heart

Many students participated in JUMP rope for Heart!

We had so much fun during our Wacky & Crazy Day here at Fred Assam Elementary School! Lots of students (and staff!) joined in the fun. Be sure to check out Nurse Margie ~ she's inside out!

5th grade Math students

These 5th grade girls are the latest Math Facts in a Flash finishers! Way to go, ladies. I just happened to catch Julia on Wacky & Crazy Day as well. Not so Wacky & Crazy are Rylee and Taylor.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Reflections Art Program

I had no idea what to expect with the Reflections Art program. When members of the PTA told me about the program, I thought it sounded wonderful! What a neat experience for any student to be able to participate in. WOW! Was I impressed!! I stayed on Friday night for the program so that I could see exactly what this was all about. The art was displayed in the hallway and we were able to read about each artist's comments about their art work. I quickly learned that we have many amazing and talented ARTISTS in this building!
"Many thanks" to the organizers of this event! "Congratulations" to ALL of the artists! "Good Luck" to those entries that will move forward to the State Competition!
As I sit here at my computer ~ I'm wondering if there's a way that a few entries might find their way to the walls of the Common's Area or even my living room at home! Just think ~ I could say " I knew them when".

PTA sponsored Reflections Art Program Grades 3 - 5

Congratulations to all artists and their entries. Moving on to the State Competition is: Mason and Mitch ~ musical composition; Literature ~ Courtney and Carter; Photography ~ Carter and Grace; Visual Arts ~ Rylee and Danica.

PTA sponsored Reflections Art Program K - 2

Congratulations to the artists and their entries! Moving on to the State competition is Caleb ~ photography; Tessa ~ photography; Mason ~ video.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sock Hop pictures

I have been struggling with how to post all of my pictures from the Sock Hop. I have lots!! I am putting together a picture album of photos from this year ~ so anyone is welcome to have a look. If you would like any copies of the pictures, I would print or e-mail them to you. Just let me know. Jill Reindl just told me this morning about the wonderful pictures on Brandon Info. I have provided a link to the website. Thank-you, Jill Meyer for attending the Sock Hop and taking the pictures! . Find latest photos - click (more); scroll down and on the left of the page you will find Fred Assam Elementary PTA sponsored Sock Hop; click on that link. There are many photos posted - use the down arrow to view and select photos!

3rd grade addition facts

3rd grade students are hitting the addition facts really hard! 9 more students have completed their addition level math facts! Way to go 3rd graders!! Keep up the awesome adding!

5th grade Math Finishers

New finishers with the Math Facts in a Flash program. These students have completed all 52 levels!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Jon Gordon's Weekly Newsletter

This fall, I used Jon Gordon's book "The Energy Bus" as my foundation to begin the new school year. His book has helped us to build our team and school family with positive energy. He tells us to enjoy the ride of your life ~ after all, the goal in life is to live young, have fun, and arrive at your final destination with a smile on your face, because that would mean that you truly enjoyed the ride.
Jon Gordon sends out a weekly newsletter (each Monday). It's so awesome to open my e-mail and find his positive energy waiting for me as I begin each week. I decided that it was time to share that weekly newsletter with you! You can link from my blog each week or subscribe to his newsletter to be sent directly to your own e-mail account. Jon has many best-seller books available also. They are posted on his website. Enjoy today's newsletter on the benefits of hard work. ***just click on the link to the newsletters

Read about Mr. Peters and his son, Isaiah

Each day, I learn something new about my school family. Until today, I had heard only bits and pieces about Isaiah Peters and his health struggles of only one year ago. Mr. Peters stopped in to visit earlier this morning and showed me a cap that has been designed because of his son, Isaiah. He shared the website with me that tells of Isaiah's illness, recovery, and journey of faith. I would like to encourage readers to venture to the website and check out SpiritDomes and the featured hat for Isaiah. Also ~ I've included Mr. Peters' blog address. Thank-you, Mr. Peters, for sharing your family and faith with all of us. - click on the "featured hat" link in the bottom right corner - it may change in the next day or so to make it more noticeable, though. - tells more of Isaiah's story.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Math Marvels

Hailey and Thomas have joined the 3rd grade Addition finishers! Way to go!!

Stone Soup Smells Wonderful

Ms. Jones' class enjoyed their Stone Soup today! The aroma around the building had everyone licking their lips. I heard a few students say that they normally don't eat their vegetables, but in Stone Soup ~ the vegetables are quite delicious!! (It must be the stones.)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

5th grade orchestra

Elementary orchestra is a new experience for me. Neither Arlington nor Groton were big enough schools to have an orchestra program. These students invited me in to listen to their Christmas medley, a hunting song, and my very favorite ~ Titanic. I could have stayed and listened to Angel, Cole, Hope, Tanya, and Alex perform more songs! Keep up the awesome sounds and invite me back again ~ soon!